Global Day!

Last week my university held an event called Global Day! This event was an opportunity for all of the foreign students to share their culture with the Korean students and each other. There were booths representing Japan, Eastern Europe, Sweden, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, Hawaii, China, Midwestern US, France, Western US, Vietnam, and Mexico as well as the Hmong culture. This was one of the most fun experiences I’ve had at my university so far because I got to make friends with a lot of the other exchange students that I haven’t met before and we could interact comfortably even though there was a language barrier. I also got to try on traditional Korean clothes, a hanbok 한복! My booth represented the Western US by having students roast their own marshmallows and make s’mores! We also gave out pine scented air fresheners and taught West Coast slang!

16 thoughts on “Global Day!

  1. Jemin


    The Global day was pretty cool, you could visit lots of cultures on the the same area that is. And I have not heard the slang word “dank” used before. How is it put into context?


    1. Hey Jemin!
      The word “dank” means just really good. I don’t know if you’ve heard anyone use the word “dope” either but they’re really similar. So for example, if I’m eating a burrito and it’s really good I could say to my friend like “Dude, this burrito is so dank, I’m going to come to this restaurant more often”


  2. Juliah L.

    I’d like to know if they are really loaded with homework and what kind of fun activities they enjoy doing after school…Thanks!
    -Juliah L.


  3. Nate B.

    Hi. How did the other students feel about s’mores? Did you try any kind of deserts like that? I was just wondering about how different people reply to different foods.


    1. Hi Nate! I think most people really liked them! They had a lot of fun roasting the marshmallows. I got to try traditional Korean cookies and fruit mixed with Hawaiian sour plum powder I think? Unfortunately I was busy with my booth so I didn’t get to spend a lot of time exploring the other booths!


  4. Mason M.

    That sounds really cool. You could probably then see lots of different countries cultures in just one place. What things did you teach people about the USA that is interesting?


    1. It was really cool, I got to learn about a lot of cultures that I haven’t heard a lot about before! We showed students how to make smores over a fire and we taught some slang like expressions… many people already know a lot about American culture so we couldn’t do anything too obvious!


  5. Molly

    I know I’m answering this late, but Global Day sounds amazing. Learning about different cultures is always fun. What was your favorite culture you learned about?


    1. Hmmm, I think it was really cool to learn about Uzbekistan’s culture! I really didn’t know anything about the country but I made a couple friends and got to try on their traditional head dress!


    1. Yes, everyone loved them! They had so much fun roasting their marshmallows! Actually, in Korea campfires are illegal so most people had never roasted anything on a fire like that!


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