Daily Life at Soonchunhyang University

Hi everyone!

Since we talked about a kind of heavy topic last week, I figured we’d talk about something a little lighter this week! I’ve gotten a lot of questions about my daily life in Korea so this week I decided to make you all a video about my daily life and my experience at my university! First, here’s a little background:

I’ve already mentioned that I live in a small town called Sinchang and attend Soonchunhyang University. The blue dot on the map marks my university. Sinchang is a pretty small city and there’s not much to do. Luckily, there is a subway station very close by so it’s easy to go explore other places! To get to Seoul on the subway it takes about 3 hours and costs about $5.


I’ve been told that Soonchunhyang is one of the most beautiful campuses in Korea, especially in spring when all the cherry trees bloom! Click here to see a Google street view by the back gate of campus.

During a typical week I have class during the weekdays and then on the weekends I explore with my friends. I am also part of an exchange program where I meet with 7 Korean students once a week for an hour. The purpose of the exchange it to practice speaking both English and Korean in a comfortable environment as well as learn more about each other’s culture. We’re allowed to do pretty much anything we want during our exchanges so it’s a lot of fun! I also volunteer once a week to be a TA for an English class. I really want to teach English in Korea some day so I use this as an opportunity to get experience in the classroom.

Here’s an outline of my weekly schedule:

Monday: Korean speaking class, an exchange, and calligraphy (I posted a picture of my writing a couple weeks ago, remember?).

Tuesday: Exchanges (x2), study abroad discussion class, TA

Wednesday: Korean writing, exchange (x3)

Thursday: Korean culture and society, exchange

Friday-Sunday: Spending time with friends and exploring!

As for the exploring part, I’ve already shared a lot of the things that I’ve done with you guys. I’ve been to Seoul 3 times now but there’s still a lot of things I want to see there! I also traveled to a very small island called Sindo which was really amazing (I’ll post some pictures of this soon). My friends and I also love to go to some of the other towns very close to us because they have some really cool traditional markets and cheap shopping!

So that’s pretty much it! Overall, life here is not outrageously different than life back home. It really surprised me how easy it was to get into a routine and feel comfortable even though I’m in a different country!

Now please take the time to watch the video I put together!

This week’s response:

This week we’re going to be doing a slightly different response! Sometime in the next few weeks I am going to interview a local Korean middle schooler. Before I go meet them, it’s your job to give me questions to ask! You can ask anything! What their schedule is like, what their favorite food is, what kind of super power they would want to have, what their favorite thing about America is, anything! Please come up with 3 questions that you would like to ask this Korean student and post them in the comments. Also, as always, respond with any questions or comments you have about this week’s post!

44 thoughts on “Daily Life at Soonchunhyang University

  1. Samuel H

    1. What is your daily routine?
    2. Do you like your school?
    3. What do you do for fun?
    4. What is your favorite subject?


  2. Skyler

    What is your favorite thing in Korea? I’m not sure I asked, wait I actually think I asked this on the last comment. Maybe the one before that to… So I will ask anyways! Also, what is it that you explore in Korea? What is your favorite part of you schedule? Just random questions for no reason, well actually, there are reasons.


  3. Wendy

    1. What is your favorite Korean fashion?
    2. What is your favorite type of dance?
    3. What do you do for fun?
    4. What are Korean parties like?
    5. What toys do kids play with?


  4. Iris Miller-Sherman

    Hi Kim! Three questions that I would like you to ask a Korean middle schooler is, 1. What do you do in your free time? Do you have any after school activities? If so what are they? 2. What is school like? Do you have allectives? Do you play a insterment or have a band or orchestra? 3. What do you eat for lunch? Is there cafeteria food? If so, what is it? Bye for now!


  5. Kelly

    How much English do you know? Do you play any sports? if so what sports do you play? What’s your favorite thing to do with your friends?


  6. Samuel

    What languages are available to learn at school? How long of a school day do you usually have? How long is school going for?


  7. Marla L.

    1. How much homework do you get?
    2. Do you do any sports? Are there different sports in Korea, or how are they played differently?
    3. What things do you do on weekends or in you free time? Do travel (out of city) very often?
    4. Do you ever get days off other than weekends? How long do get off during the summer?


  8. Blake

    What is food like in school? (Hot lunch)
    What is the curriculum like?
    How does the grading system work?
    Are there school supported sports?
    What clubs or groups are you in?
    What is a normal day like?


  9. Riley D.

    What kind of classes do you have?
    Is your school year round?
    What’s your favorite subject?
    Do you enjoy Korea?


  10. Samantha M

    What elective classes do they have?
    What American book are popular in Korea?
    Favorite place to go in Korea?


  11. Annika

    1.) What does your schedule look like?
    2.) What do you know about the USA?
    3.) If you could go anywhere where would you go?


  12. Aidan S.

    What is your favorite topic at school?
    What do you do in your free time?
    What is your favorite type of candy?


  13. Fiona C

    How long do you have to go to school each day?
    What kind of music do you like?
    What is your favorite subject?
    What language would you want to learn?


    1. Hi Hannah! The subway trains go about as fast as a car, maybe a little faster (80mph?)… But, Korea also has two other trains. One is called the Nuriro and it goes about 150mph and the other is called the KTX and it can go up to 300mph!


  14. Seb Daniels

    How much do you speak English in school?
    How many days a week do you have school?
    What things do you after school?
    How big or small is the school?


  15. Ava

    Do you learn English as a foreign language?
    What is the weirdest American food?
    What are some styles (of clothes, style, etc.)?
    And finally,
    What is a popular sport to play?


  16. Hannah

    1) Do you play an instrument? Or sport?
    2) What’s your favorite American food?
    3) What’s your favorite band / singer / music?


  17. Eve

    Yo! So three questions, let’s see what I can come up with. First of all, and most importantly, do you get any breaks during the school like a winter break and spring break and stuff? Are the teachers at your school strict, kind, stern, what are they like? What special summer time activitys do you have if you have a summer break? Kay that took me a while but I did it, three questions. Yay for me! Type to you next week!


  18. Asma Hassan

    1) What are your classes in Korea like- is English one of your Courses?
    2) What do you do when you get bored and you are at your dorm?
    3)What is your favorite place that you have been to in Korea so far?


  19. Jemin

    I thought that the time you had at the University was really cool. The island really topped it off. I will hope to see the pictures soon.


  20. Bianca

    I have a few questions for the Korean middle schooler. Firstly, what is your favorite meal to eat? Secondly, who is your favorite music artist in Korea? And lastly, what is your daily scheuale like?


  21. David

    1. Do you have an organized sports team?
    2. Would you rather stay home from school?
    3. Are the teachers strict?


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